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2006 Economics Publications

Economics – 2006 Journals

  • Agrawal, A., Knoeber, C. R., Tsoulouhas, T. C. (2006). Are Outsiders Handicapped in CEO Successions. Journal of Corporate Finance (vol. 12, pp. 619-644).
  • Allen, S. G., Mugge, P. (2006). The Service Science Initiative at NC State. Research and Technology Management.
  • Clark, R. L. (2006). Employer-Provided Retiree Health Insurance: A Dying Employee Benefit. Change (pp. 15).
  • Clark, R. L., d’Ambrosio, M., McDermed, A., Sawant, K. (2006). Retirement Plans and Saving Decisions: The Role of Information and Education. Journal of Pension Economics and Finance (pp. 45-67).
  • Clark, R. L., Ghent, L., McDermed, A. (2006). Pension Plan Choice Among University Faculty. Southern Economic Journal (pp. 560-577).
  • Craig, L. A., Holt, M. T. (2006). Nonlinear Dynamics and Structural Change in the U.S. Hog-Corn Cycle: A Time-Varying STAR Approach. American Journal of Agricultural Economics (vol. 88, pp. 215-233).
  • Craig, L. (2006). Review of: Taste, Trade and Technology: The Development of the International Meat Industry since 1840.
  • Craig, L. (2006). Review of: The Hidden Cost of Economic Development: The Biological Standard of Living in Antebellum Pennsylvania.
  • Dufour, J., Pelletier, D., Renault, E. (2006). Short Run and Long Run Causality in Time Series: Inference. Journal of Econometrics (2 ed., vol. 132, pp. 337-362).
  • Flath, D. J. (2006). Taxicab Regulation in Japan. (2 ed., vol. 20, pp. 288-304).
  • Headen, A. E., M. N. (2006). Effects of Medicaid Access Restrictions on Statin Utilization for Patients Seeing Physicians Practicing in Poor and Minority Neighborhoods. PharmacoEconomics Supplement (3 ed., vol. 24, pp. 41-53).
  • Headen, A. E. (2006). Medicaid Preferred Drug Cost Containment and Side Effects. Pharmacoeconomics (3 ed., vol. 24, pp. 1-3).
  • Mitchell, K., Pearce, D. K. (2006). Can Business Economists Predict Interest Rate or Exchange Rate Movements. Corporate Finance Review (6 ed., vol. 10, pp. 15-27).
  • Pelletier, D. (2006). Regime Switching for Dynamic Correlations. Journal of Econometrics (1-2 ed., vol. 131, pp. 445-473).
  • Seater, J. J., DeJuan, J. P., Wirjanto, T. S. (2006). Testing the Permanent-Income Hypothesis: New Evidence from West-German States (Länder). Empirical Economics (3 ed., vol. 31, pp. 613-629).
  • Wessels, W. J. (2006). A Test of the Increment-Decrement Method of Calculating Worklife Expectancies. Journal of Forensic Economics (Numbers 2-3, Spring/Summer 2005 ed., vol. XVIII, pp. 197-210).

Economics – 2006 Book Chapters

  • Allen, S. G., Clark, R. L., Ghent, L. (2006). Managing a Phased Retirement Program: The Case of UNC. New Ways to Phase Into Retirement: New Directions for Higher Education (132 ed.). San Francisco, CA.
  • Clark, R. L. (2006). Health and Retirement Benefits. Faculty Career Paths: Multiple Routes to Academic Success and Satisfaction, Gretchen Bataille and Betsy Brown, eds. (pp. 122-125).
  • Clark, R. L. (2006). Immigration Trends, Changes in Retirement Ages, and the Future of Social Security. Ageing and the Labour Market: Issues and Solutions, Han Emanuel, ed. (pp. 139-150). Antwerpen.
  • Clark, R. L., Brown, B. (2006). North Carolina’s Commitment to Higher Education: Access and Affordability. What’s Happening to Public Higher Education (pp. 183-205).
  • Clark, R. L., d’Ambrosio, M. (2006). Walking the Financial Tightrope: Balancing Costs and Revenues with Commitment to Mission. The New Balancing Act in the Business of Higher Education, Robert Clark and Madeleine d’Ambrosio, eds. (pp. 3-17). Northhampton, MA.
  • Newmark, C. M. (2006). Price-Concentration Studies: There You Go Again. Antitrust Policy Issues.
  • Palmquist, R. B. (2006). The Economic Valuation of Shoreline: Twenty-five Year Later. Explorations in Environmental and Natural Resource Economics: Essays in Honor of Gardner M. Brown, Jr. (pp. 208-223). Northampton, MA.

Economics – 2006 Textbooks

  • Hyman, D. N. (2006). Economics, 6th Interactive Edition. (Link). Piscataway, NJ: Dotlearn, Inc..
  • Wessels, W. J. (2006). Economics. (4th ed.). Hauppauge, New York: Barron’s Educational Series.

Economics – 2006 Conference Proceedings

  • Allen, S. G., Aiman-Smith, L., McCreery, J. K., Montoya, M. M., Devetsikiotis, M., Nygard, C., Perros, H., Rindos, A., Viniotis, I. (2006). Service Science, Management and Engineering Curricula and Research at NC State University. Education for the 21st Century Conference. Palisades, NY.
  • Clark, R. L., d’Ambrosio, M. (2006). The New Balancing Act in the Business of Higher Education Conference Volume: TIAA-CREF Institute Series on Higher Education. (second in series) (Link) Northhampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing.