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Global Corps Scholars

An unique study abroad grant program for new students from traditionally underrepresented or marginalized populations.

Applications for the Fall 2023 admissions cycle are due April 19, 2023


What is the Global Corps Scholars Program?

The purpose of the Global Corps Scholars Program at Poole College is to provide access to global experiences to students from underrepresented and marginalized groups, including students of color, first-generation students and students from Tier 1 counties in North Carolina.

The Global Corps Scholars Program is designed to assist students who may otherwise miss global engagement opportunities.

Program Details and Eligibility

The Global Corps Scholars Program is open to new entering first-year students and students transferring from a North Carolina community college.

Students who are selected as Global Corps Scholars will receive the following support to make an immersive international experience possible:

  • $8,000 grant to support expenses related to the international immersive experience
  • One-on-one guidance from a staff member of the Office of Global Programs
  • Peer mentoring from a member of the Global Corps student organization
  • Participation in the Developing Cultural Competence (DCC) Student Certificate Program during their sophomore year
  • A signature international immersive experience. Students can participate in a semester exchange program, a summer group-led program, or other global programs as designed by the student and Global Programs advisor
  • The opportunity to mentor an incoming Global Corps Scholar after the completion of their international experience

1 in 4

1 in 4 NC State students who study abroad are from the Poole College of Management


Poole College is the #1 college at NC State for study abroad


NC State’s Poole College of Management is proud to offer over 35 study abroad programs with our global strategic partners

How do Students Apply?

To be considered, students must be admitted to the Poole College of Management starting in Fall 2023 or Summer 2023 and must submit an application that includes basic information about themselves and why they want to be a part of the Global Corps Scholars Program

  • First year students starting in Fall 2023should apply by April 19, 2023
  • External transfer students from North Carolina Community Colleges starting in Summer/Fall 2022 should apply by April 19, 2023

female student on camel in Egyptian desert

Apply for the experience of a lifetime

Frequently Asked Questions

Incoming freshman and transfer students from traditionally underrepresented or marginalized populations and/or Tier 1 NC counties may apply. Only students who are NC residents are eligible to apply.

Access the list of Tier 1 NC counties.

Yes, the $8,000 grant may only be used for study abroad programs within NC State’s Poole College of Management. The award may not be used for tuition, fees, books, or other campus-related expenses.

The award is only available to students who are currently enrolled in NC State’s Poole College of Management. If recipients transfer to another university or another college within NC State, they will no longer be eligible to receive the award.

If a recipient has remaining funds in the grant after a study abroad experience, the remaining funds may be used to support another experience.

The award is available for up to 5 years of study at NC State’s Poole College of Management.

No, students are welcome to develop an experience to suit their unique desires and needs with the help of their Global Programs advisor.

Have more questions?

Contact Poole College of Management’s Office of Global Programs