Aug 30, 2022
Poole College pursues continual innovation and purposeful collaboration with the Poole Initiatives, five thought-leadership hubs that connect students, faculty and industry.
Aug 25, 2022
Poole College of Management is welcoming eight new faculty members across departments for the 2022-23 academic year.
Feb 22, 2022
Explore thought leadership articles that resonated most with the community and see our faculty comments in the mainstream media.
Kathy Krawczyk, professor of accounting and department head, helps create an even playing field in a male-dominated industry.
Aug 27, 2021
Allen, who joined NC State in 1978, has played a pivotal role along the way, growing Poole College into what it has become today.
Aug 23, 2021
The four newest faculty members bring expertise in the classroom and years of industry experience to undergraduate and graduate courses.
Feb 24, 2021
Poole College esteemed faculty members contribute to journals, studies and news outlets outside of their work at NC State.
The Poole Podcast will share research and ideas from inside the classroom from NC State faculty and explore how it’s being used in industry.
While traditional business research can often be overlooked when research results appear only in specialized journals, sponsored research showcases results to a broader audience, including policymakers and industry leaders.