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Poole and Engineering Students Invited to IBM Presentation, Watson Demo on Sept. 28

NC State’s Poole College of Management and College of Engineering students are invited to a special presentation by IBM this Wednesday at the Nelson Hall auditorium, 11:00 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. Pre-registration is requested and may be completed online

The event is intended to provide insight into IBM and the company’s growth over the past 100 years. Included is a special presentation with Watson, IBM’s artificial intelligence computer system that is capable of answering questions posed in natural language.

The Watson computer system made television history in February 2011 when it competed against two of the top winners of the game-show Jeopardy!. Named after IBM founder Thomas J. Watson, the system was built to rival a human’s ability to answer questions posed in natural language with speed, accuracy and confidence. Jim DePiante, project manager of Jeopardy Challenge, will give a presentation on Watson’s history and development, and will then demonstrate its capabilities. Time permitting, Watson will compete against several NC State students

Ginny Rometty , IBM’s senior vice president for strategy, marketing and sales, will start the event with a presentation about IBM, on the topic, “Lessons from IBM’s Century of Innovation, Technology and Collaboration,” as seen from an industry perspective. As IBM’s global sales leader, Ms. Rometty is responsible for the company’s revenue, profit and client satisfaction in the 170 global markets in which IBM does business. She is also responsible for leading IBM’s global strategy, marketing and communication functions. This is her first visit to the Triangle.

Seating is limited and participants are asked to arrive by 10:55 a.m., so they can be seated as soon as students attending the prior class in the auditorium have exited.

Several buses will be available to transport engineering students to and from the presentation. They will be waiting for outside EBII on Centennial Campus. Students may begin taking seats on the bus at 10:00 a.m., with departure scheduled for 10:20 am. Buses will load students at Nelson Hall for the return trip following the presentation, with expected return time to EBII at 12:30 p.m.

More about Watson:

For More about Ginni Rometty: