Dr. Joe Brazel Receives FINRA Grant to Continue Fraud Detection Research
The grant will support Brazel’s ongoing research in the area of fraud detection. His new project is entitled, “The Assessment and Delivery of a Web-based Fraud Risk Assessment Tool for Regulators, Auditors, and Investors.” FINRA, in 2008, funded a $330,000 project on the use of nonfinancial measures (NFMs) in the detection of fraudulent financial reporting by publicly traded companies.
In previous research, Brazel and his research colleagues explored the value of looking for inconsistent patterns between the nonfinancial measures, such as facilities growth, and financial performance, such as revenue growth, as a way to detect firms with high fraud risk.
Brazel is speaking on the topic of his research at the fall meeting of the Institute of Fraud Prevention as well as at a meeting with the Office of the Chief Accountant of the Security and Exchange Commission.
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