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Young entrepreneur and app platform developer to present first CEO Club talk this Wednesday

The CEO Club – the Collegiate Entrepreneurs Club – is hosting its first meeting on Wednesday, September 10, at 6 p.m in 2405 Nelson Hall.

The CEO Club, based in Poole College, is open to any student at NC State interested in entrepreneurship. The first speaker for the semester is Aiden Cuniffe, chief executive officer and co-founder of Queue Software, Inc., in Raleigh, N.C.

“We are really excited to have Aiden come speak to us about the interesting piece of software his team is about to launch,” said Kyle Sheats, CEO Club president and a junior in the Poole College of Management.

The company’s flagship product, Dropsource, is an app development platform that automates all the programming required to build complex mobile apps.

“Aiden has recently moved down here from Syracuse to pursue the Queue Software venture and Dropsource,” Sheats said. “In our meeting, they will introduce how their software allows for a person with no prior coding experience to write an application for a mobile platform.”

After introducing their software, Cuniffe will “open the floor for questions regarding his experience as a 20 year old pursuing entrepreneurship,” Sheats said.

At the conclusion of the meeting, CEO Club members interested in beta testing the software at Queue headquarters can sign up to receive more information about that opportunity.

“This is a really great opportunity for students across many disciplines,” Sheats said, from computer science and other students interested in the back end of the software to students in any college on campus who would like to create an app in their area of interest that solves a problem without any coding experience.

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