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Feb 14, 2018

Richard Warr Comments on Bond Yields on NPR Marketplace

Richard Warr, professor of finance, was quoted in this NPR Marketplace with Kai Ryssdal story about inflation and bond yields. Listen here.  

Feb 13, 2018

Stocks Hate inflation: Here’s Why

"Investors, naturally, want to stay at the party as long as they can. It is only when they see others heading for the exits that they realize maybe it’s time they left, too. ... Thus the market tanks." – Richard Warr

Feb 13, 2018

Poole Accounting Undergraduate Students Explore Summer Leadership Program Options, Meet Firms at Career-building Events

Summer Leadership Program Fair: An opportunity for accounting students and firms to get acquainted, and for students to explore leadership conference options.

About 70 students and faculty members attended the blockchain training day presented by the Carolina Fintech Hub

Feb 12, 2018

Students, Profs Go to School on Saturday for Blockchain Training

NC State students, recent grads invited to Generation Blockchain Challenge; on-campus training provides an introduction

Feb 12, 2018

Three Years After Tragedy, Our Three Winners’ Legacy Lives On

Marking the deaths of three Muslim students – Deah Barakat, 23, Yusor Abu-Salha, 21, and Razan Abu-Salha, 19 – who were killed in February 2015, communities, organizations and students joined…

Feb 12, 2018

Stocks Hate Inflation – Here’s Why

Richard Warr, professor of finance and head of the Department of Business Management at Poole College, comments on the stock market’s wild ride this year, in this post on The…

Feb 8, 2018

Opinion: This Contrarian Trade Lets You Scoop Up Stocks on the Cheap

Richard Warr, Poole finance professor, cautions against an irrational freak out when inflation heats up.

Feb 8, 2018

NC State Entrepreneurship Clinic Cited in ‘State of the Region’ Update

"The UNC system has been a backbone of the economy for decades. But important, and positive shifts are emerging that directly support entrepreneurship." – Tom Snyder, RIoT executive director

Bradley Kirkman, General (Ret.) H. Hugh Shelton Distinguished Professor, is among the Poole College faculty teaching Jenkins MBA students.

Feb 6, 2018

Jenkins MBA Ranked Among Best ROI Programs

Flexibility and affordability has been recognized again for the NC State Jenkins MBA Program. MBA Blog Poets and Quants named the Jenkins MBA program as one of the top 10 MBA programs with the Best ROI.

Feb 5, 2018

Alumnus Values Flexibility, Time Management Skills from Jenkins Online MBA Program

The network created from classes in the Jenkins Professional online MBA program make a lasting career network.