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Fall 2019 Poole College Research Leads Understanding of Vital Business Issues 

From understanding how to best engage loyalty members through social media to determining the impacts of cybersecurity breaches, Poole College of Management faculty members provided valuable research on the day’s most significant business topics.

During the fall 2019 semester, faculty members generated over 40 intellectual contributions that were published or accepted in such top-tier journals and publications as the Harvard Business Review, Taxes: The Tax Magazine and the Journal of the Association for Consumer Research.

Here are the citations for faculty intellectual contributions from July 1 to Dec. 31, 2019:

Department of Accounting


>  Marianne Bradford

Journal Article (refereed)

Bradford, M. Using Generalized Audit Software to Detect Material Misstatements, Control Deficiencies, and Fraud: How Financial and IT Auditors Perceive Net Audit Benefits. Managerial Auditing Journal. (Accepted/In Press)

Joseph Brazel

Journal Articles (refereed)

Brazel, J. F., Lail, B. (2019). How the Interplay between Financial and Non-Financial Measures Affects Management Forecasting Behavior. Journal of Management Accounting Research, 31(3), 41-63. (Published)

Brazel, J. F., Gimbar, C., Maksymov, E., Schaefer, T. (2019). The Outcome Effect and Professional Skepticism: A Replication and a Failed Attempt at Mitigation. Behavioral Research in Accounting, 31(2), 135-143. (Published)

Brazel, J. F. (2019). Practitioner Summary: The Outcome Effect and Professional Skepticism. Current Issues in Auditing, 13(1), 7-16. (Published)

>  Yuang-Sung Chen 

Journal Article (referred)

Showalter, S. D., Chen, Y.-S., Bolt-Lee, C. (2019). Highlights of Internal Audit Research. Journal of Accountancy, 22-25. (Published)

>  Robin Pennington 

Journal Article (referred)

Kelton, A. S., Pennington, R. (2019). The effect of cybersecurity disclosures on investor reactions to subsequent cybersecurity breaches. Journal of Information Systems. (Published)

Electronic Article

Kelton, A. S., Pennington, R. R. (2019). Do Tweets from CEOs Matter to Investors. London School of Economics Business Review. Retrieved from (Published)

>  Roby Sawyers

Journal Article (nonreferred)

Sawyers, R. B., Sonnier, B. (2019). Agency Nexus and the State Taxation of Trusts. Journal of State Taxation, 37(4). (Published)

Editor credit — Preusch, N. (2019). Ethical Considerations of E-Business for Practitioners. The Tax Adviser, 596-598. (Published)

Sawyers, R. B., Sonnier, B. (2019). State Supreme Court Decisions Applying Dormant Commerce Clause Limitations. Taxes: The Tax Magazine, 27-32. (Published)

>  David Showalter

Journal Article (referred)

Showalter, S. D., Chen, Y.-S., Bolt-Lee, C. (2019). Highlights of Internal Audit Research. Journal of Accountancy, 22-25. (Published)

>  Eileen Taylor

Journal Article (refereed)

Reinstein, A., Churyk, N., Taylor, E., Williams, P. F. (2019). Using Accounting Department Advisory Councils and Higher Quality Continuing Education Requirements to Improve the Accounting Profession’s Ethical Reasoning Skills. Advances in Accounting Education: Teaching and Curriculum Innovations, 23, 177-193. (Published)

Pinsker, R., Taylor, E. Leveling the playing field: How assurance mitigates the negative effect of task familiarity among nonprofessional investors. Advances in Accounting Behavioral Research, 24. (Accepted/In Press)

>  Paul Williams

Journal Article (refereed)

Reinstein, A., Churyk, N., Taylor, E., Williams, P. F. (2019). Using Accounting Department Advisory Councils and Higher Quality Continuing Education Requirements to Improve the Accounting Profession’s Ethical Reasoning Skills. Advances in Accounting Education: Teaching and Curriculum Innovations, 23, 177-193. (Published)


Department of Business Management


>  Robert Handfield

Journal Article (refereed)

Mols, M., Bals, L., Handfield, R. B., Wieland, A. Overcoming Blind Spots in Global Sourcing Research: Exploiting the Cross-Sections between Supply Chain Management and International Business. Journal of International Business. (Accepted/In Press)

Handfield, R. B. Shifts in Buyer-Seller Relationships: A Retrospective on Handfield and Bechtel (2002). Industrial Marketing Management. (Accepted/In Press)

>  Hans Sebastian Heese

Journal Article (refereed)

Tseytlin, Y., Heese, H. S. Allocation under a general substitution structure. European Journal of Operational Research. (Accepted/In Press)

Wuttke, D., Rosenzweig, E., Heese, H. S. An empirical analysis of the drivers of supply chain finance adoption. Journal of Operations Management. (Accepted/In Press)

>  Stacy (Wood) King

Journal Article (refereed)

Wood, S., Schulman, K. A. The Doctor-of-the-Future is In: Patient Response to Healthcare Innovations. Journal of the Association for Consumer Research. (Accepted/In Press)

>  Rishika Rishika

 Journal Article (refereed)

Rishika, R., Ramaprasad, J. (2019). The Effects of Asymmetric Social Ties, Tie Strength and Structural Embeddedness on Online Content Contribution Behavior. Management Science, 65(7), 2947-3448. Retrieved from (Published)

Electronic Article

Stanko, M., Ortega, B., Castillo, F., Rishika, R., Franco, J. Using Social Media to Connect with Your Most Loyal Customers. Harvard Business Review. Retrieved from (Accepted/In Press)

>  Michael Stanko


Stanko, M. (2019). Sworkit: Taking the Free out of Freemium. Ivey Publishing. (Published)

Electronic Article

Stanko, M., Ortega, B., Castillo, F., Rishika, R., Franco, J. Using Social Media to Connect with Your Most Loyal Customers. Harvard Business Review. Retrieved from (Accepted/In Press)

>  Jeffrey Stonebraker

Journal Article (refereed)

Stonebraker, J. (2019). Test‐retest properties of the Patient Reported Outcomes, Burdens and Experiences (PROBE) questionnaire and its constituent domains. Haemophilia, 25(1), 75-83. (Published)

>  Donald Warsing

Journal Article (refereed) 

Warsing, D. P., Worawut, W., King, R. E. (2019). Computing Base-stock Levels for a Two-Stage Supply Chain with Uncertain Supply. Omega: The International Journal of Management Science, 89, 92-109. (Published)

Academic/Professional Meeting Proceeding

Kapadia, M., Starly, B., Thomas, A., Uzsoy, R., Warsing, D. P. (2019). Impact of Scheduling Policies on the Performance of an Additive Manufacturing Production System. Chicago, IL: International Conference on Production Research. (Published)

>  Qingqing Wu

Journal Article (refereed)

Wu, Q., Chang, C.-H. Board Networks and Corporate Innovation. Management Science. (Accepted/In Press)


Department of Economics


>  Umut Dur

Journal Article (refereed)

Dur, U., Wiseman, T. (2019). School Choice with Neighbors. Journal of Mathematical Economics, 83, 101-109. (Published)

>  Ilze Kalnina

Journal Article (refereed)

Kalnina, I., Ait-Sahalia, Y., Xiu, D. High-Frequency Factor Models and Regressions. Journal of Econometrics (Accepted/In Press)

>  Allison Lowe-Reed

Journal Article (unspecified)

Nager, A.B., Lowe-Reed, A.S., Langford, W.S. (2019). Catching the whale: A comparison of place promotion strategies through the lens of Amazon HQ2. Geography Compass, 13. doi: 10.1111/gec3.12462 (Published)

>  Melinda Morrill

Journal Article (refereed)

Morrill, M. S., Westall, J. (2019). The Role of Social Security in Retirement Timing: Evidence from a National Sample of Teachers. Journal of Pension Economics and Finance (Published)

>  Walter Thurman

Journal Article (unspecified)

Thurman, W. N., Rucker, R., Burgett, M. (2019). Colony Collapse and the Consequences of Bee Disease: Market Adaptation to Environmental Change. Journal of Association of Environmental and Resource Economists. (Published)

Academic/Professional Meeting Proceeding

Thurman, W., Rucker, R., Burgett, M. (2019). Colony Collapse and the Consequences of Bee Disease: Market Adaptation to Environmental Change (pp. 927-960). (Published)


Department of Management, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship


>  Jon Carr

Journal Articles (refereed)

Michaelis, T., Pollack, J. M., Mulvey, P. W., Ritter, B., Carr, J. Gender bias in venture funding: Discussing bias in the entrepreneurship classroom. Entrepreneurship Education and Pedagogy. (Accepted/In Press)

Michaelis, T., Carr, J., Scheaf, D., Pollack, J. M. The frugal  entrepreneur: A self-regulatory perspective of resourceful entrepreneurial behavior. Journal of Business Venturing. (Accepted/In Press)

>  Bradley Kirkman

Electronic Article

Kirkman, B., Stoverink, A., Mistry, S., Rosen, B. (2019). The 4 things resilient teams do. Harvard Business Review. Retrieved from (Published)

>  Paul Mulvey

Journal Article (refereed)

Michaelis, T., Pollack, J. M., Mulvey, P. W., Ritter, B., Carr, J. Gender bias in venture funding: Discussing bias in the entrepreneurship classroom. Entrepreneurship Education and Pedagogy. (Accepted/In Press)

>  Jeffrey Pollack

Journal Articles (refereed)

Miao, C., Humphrey, R. H., Qian, S., Pollack, J. M. (2019). The relationship between emotional intelligence and the dark triad personality traits: A meta-analytic review. Journal of Research in Personality, 78, 189-197. (Published)

Burnette, J. L., Pollack, J. M., Forsyth, R., Hoyt, C., Babij, A. D., Thomas, F., Coy, A. A growth mindset intervention: Enhancing students’ entrepreneurial self-efficacy and career development. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice. (Accepted/In Press)

Michaelis, T., Pollack, J. M., Mulvey, P. W., Ritter, B., Carr, J. Gender bias in venture funding: Discussing bias in the entrepreneurship classroom. Entrepreneurship Education and Pedagogy. (Accepted/In Press)

Michaelis, T., Carr, J., Scheaf, D., Pollack, J. M. The frugal  entrepreneur: A self-regulatory perspective of resourceful entrepreneurial behavior. Journal of Business Venturing. (Accepted/In Press)

>  Beth Ritter

Journal Article (refereed)

Michaelis, T., Pollack, J. M., Mulvey, P. W., Ritter, B., Carr, J. Gender bias in venture funding: Discussing bias in the entrepreneurship classroom. Entrepreneurship Education and Pedagogy. (Accepted/In Press)