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Meet the Faces of Poole: Our New Graduate Students

Every year, Poole College of Management welcomes a fresh wave of bright, passionate students eager to dive into their next academic chapter. This fall is no exception. Our new graduate students come from all walks of life—whether they’re pivoting careers, building on years of experience, or exploring new paths, each one brings something special to our community. Let’s get to know a few of these talented individuals as they share their journeys, ambitions, and what excites them about joining the Poole family.

Ramanpreet Kaur – Full-Time MBA

Ramanpreet Kaur, from New Delhi, India, brings over seven years of experience in financial analysis and strategic consulting, having worked with EY and KPMG. With a passion for driving business efficiency, she’s excited about how Poole’s global focus and collaborative environment perfectly align with her career aspirations. “The international business strategies and diverse perspectives I’ll be exposed to are exactly what I need to thrive in today’s global economy,” she says. When she’s not immersed in financial strategies, Ramanpreet loves exploring new cultures and deepening her understanding of the world around her.

Brooke Lao – Online MBA

Brooke Lao’s journey is nothing short of impressive. After earning a PhD in chemistry and working in both startup environments and big pharma (she’s currently at Pfizer), she’s diving into the world of business with Poole’s Online MBA. “I’ve been science-focused for so long, and now I’m ready to learn what drives business decisions,” she explains. Brooke is also proud to become a third-generation NC State graduate. When she’s not balancing science and business, she’s spending time with her family in Carrboro, reading fantasy novels, or enjoying a glass of wine with friends.

Alex Ke – On-Campus Master of Accounting (MAC)

Alex Ke’s path to accounting wasn’t exactly traditional, but that’s what makes his story so compelling. Originally on a track to physical therapy, a chance encounter with his mother’s work as a CPA inspired him to take the leap into accounting. “Switching fields wasn’t easy, but NC State’s ASAP [Online Prerequisite] program made it possible,” Alex says. Now in the MAC program, he’s gearing up for the CPA exam and looking forward to a career in corporate accounting. Outside of academics, Alex has a deep love for music and has been playing the piano for over a decade.

Daniel Ponder – Online Master of Accounting (MAC)

Daniel Ponder, who grew up in Virginia and North Carolina after being born in Romania, brings a unique blend of artistry and analytics to the table. With a background in music, including degrees in music history and bassoon performance, Daniel found his way into accounting through roles in accounts payable and financial analysis. Now, as a fiscal analyst for the City of Raleigh-Wake 911 department, he’s pursuing his MAC to fulfill the CPA requirements and expand his expertise. Daniel’s love for music hasn’t faded—he still freelances on instruments like the clarinet and organ—and he’s an avid traveler with a passion for history, theology and coin collecting.

Amy Bullock – Master of Management, Marketing Analytics (MMA)

Amy Bullock isn’t afraid to take risks. Seventeen years ago, she left a secure marketing job for a six-month freelance gig at SAS—and it paid off. Now a senior manager of digital marketing at JMP (a subsidiary of SAS), Amy is back at NC State to deepen her analytical skills. “I want to be able to interpret data myself, without always relying on data scientists,” she explains. Her love for NC State is obvious—she’s already earned two degrees here. In her downtime, Amy enjoys thrifting for antiques, singing and spending time with her rescue Shih Tzus. She also has a soft spot for the UK, where she recently took a class on Oxford Detective Fiction a.k.a. the “whodunnit” novels.

Holly Harris – Master of Management, Risk and Analytics (MRA)

Holly Harris, from Durham, NC, is always looking for ways to level up her career. After spending years in accounting and finance, Holly is now director of finance at Net Friends, Inc. and is pursuing a dual degree in Risk and Analytics alongside her MBA. While she’s always been partial to financial analysis, she’s become interested in risk management more recently due to how well it compliments analytics and financial management — making the MRA degree a no-brainer. With a neurodiverse family, Holly is also deeply involved in her local community, running a support group for parents and organizing family events. Holly’s hobbies include cross-stitching, LEGO kits, and falling down research rabbit holes on whatever her latest interest happens to be.

This post was originally published in Jenkins MBA News.