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A High-Impact Experience of Leadership and Connection

As a Poole Student Ambassador, Makayla Richardson discovered how one high-impact experience could unlock leadership potential, foster meaningful connections, and pace the way for future success.

Makayla Richardson Headshot

High-impact experiences (HIE) provide students with transformative opportunities to gain valuable real-world experience and develop a diverse set of career readiness skills that are highly-desired by employers. For Makayla Richardson, her role as a student ambassador at Poole College of Management has been nothing short of impactful. From guiding prospective students through their first impressions of Poole to leading peers as an executive member, her journey exemplifies the power of hands-on experience and meaningful leadership.

As a Poole Student Ambassador, Richardson has the unique opportunity to represent the college at information sessions, Open House, Pack Previews, and other campus events. “Our group focuses on sharing experiences with prospective and admitted students to Poole. I serve on student panels and speak about my experiences studying abroad, being a business student, and campus life in general,” she says. This role has allowed her to use her communicative and leadership skills while providing an authentic and approachable voice for future Poole students. 

Richardson’s motivation to take on this role stemmed from her work-study position in Poole’s Office of Undergraduate Programs. “I learned about the many resources available to students and always enjoyed talking to those who came through the office. Becoming an ambassador was the perfect way for me to share my insight, connect with students, and become more involved on campus,” she shares.

Beyond representing the college, Richardson has embraced a leadership role as the Director of Development for the ambassador program. In this position, she manages the development of other ambassadors, organizes social and service events, and ensures the smooth operation of student engagement efforts. “As director, I oversee student development and performance. It’s been an incredible opportunity to plan events and create a positive atmosphere for our group,” Richardson said.

“We know high-impact experiences lead to better career-related outcomes, but the holistic benefit students gain from HIEs is unquantifiable,” says Tyler Wiersma, Director of High-Impact Experiences.

The impact of this high-level involvement has been substantial. Richardson set clear goals to strengthen her interpersonal skills, build leadership capabilities, and create a lasting positive influence on the Poole community. “I wanted to become a strong example for students and develop leadership skills in a space where I could make a difference. Serving as an ambassador has been a great platform for that,” she adds.

Richardson speaking at Pack Preview in Spring 2024

One significant skill Richardson developed through this role has been public speaking. “Open House and Pack Preview sessions can have hundreds of attendees, and I’ve grown more comfortable addressing large audiences and answering their questions,” she says. Richardson has also honed her ability to read the needs of her peers and facilitate productive work environments, skills she expects will be invaluable as she enters the professional world.

Reflecting on her experience, Richardson attributes much of her growth to the mentorship of Jaquan Scott, the Associate Director of Admissions and advisor to the ambassadors. “Jaquan has been a wonderful mentor who taught me valuable lessons that have made me a better ambassador and person. His guidance has been pivotal in helping me feel confident in representing Poole,” Richardson says.

Looking to the future, Richardson believes that the interpersonal and organizational skills she has gained will greatly influence her academic performance and professional path. “I’m representing Poole even when I’m not wearing my nametag. This experience has shaped how I interact with other student organizations, manage my time, and approach my studies,” Richardson reflects.

For other students considering a high-impact experience, she offers strong encouragement. “Being a Poole Student Ambassador has truly been a highlight of my time at NC State. It’s connected me with incredible individuals, taught me invaluable communication and leadership skills, and made my time at Poole even more enjoyable,” Richardson says.

“Students like Makayla who engage in these challenging, multifaceted opportunities not only set themselves up to be more successful professionally – they gain a new appreciation and understanding of the world around them, which ultimately helps them become more engaged citizens in their respective communities,” said Wiersma.

Richardson’s high-impact experience as a Poole Student Ambassador is a testament to the growth and opportunities that arise when students fully immerse themselves in their academic community. Through leadership, mentorship, and service, she has made a lasting mark on the Poole College of Management and laid the groundwork for the future successes. 

Learn more about becoming a Poole Student Ambassador.