Thomas, Judy and Tucker CPA Firm Presentation
2801 Founders Drive, Raleigh, NC, 27695, United StatesHosted by the IMA and IASC. Pizza and refreshments will be provided, and all students are welcome! Business casual attire is required.
Hosted by the IMA and IASC. Pizza and refreshments will be provided, and all students are welcome! Business casual attire is required.
The Net Impact chapters at NC State and Business Sustainability Collaborative invite all interested in sustainability related careers to this luncheon program. Presenter: Megan M. Anderson, Sustainability Manager for the City of Raleigh Program: Megan will speak about her experiences and career path in the sustainability field. There is no charge to attend but registration…
Celebrate Global Entrepreneurship Week at NC State with Speed Networking. Meet one-on-one with Triangle-based social entrepreneurs. Find out what is involved in creating a business with social impact. Featured entrepreneurs: - Matt Whitley, Co-founder, Happy & Hale - Basil Camu, Co-founder, Leaf & Limb - Liz Tracy, Director, HQ Raleigh - Ryan O'Donnell, Founder, EmployUs…
The Society for Human Resource Management and the Public Relations Student Society of America are co-hosting a Mock Interviews session. This event is open to all who are interested in practicing their interview skills. For more information, send an email message to
The NC State Alumni Entrepreneurs and the Poole College of Management are hosting this 60-minute that will cover topics any new company should consider when starting up. Topics include: Moving from ideation to exploration to implementation Startup logistics, fundamentals you need to get your business off the ground A crash course in the virtuous circle…
The Institute of Internal Auditors invites you to student night 2018. You will have the chance to learn about careers in internal auditing with panelists from companies and NGOs from RDU areas. Reception at 6pm. Event from 6:30- 7:30pm. Register in advance for this event by emailing Mary Thompson: You will also be able…
Students and recruiters are invited to participate in this pre-career fair discussion over breakfast on the topic of diversity and inclusion in business and industry. Registration information will be posted in early 2018. Recruiters interested in participating may contact Tayah Butler, director of diversity and inclusion at the NC State Poole College of Management. RSVP…
Join KPMG as we partner with NABA to reveal our secrets in the art of storytelling – how to share your experiences in a compelling, unforgettable way. We will give you the tools to consistently have this level of impact overtime you interview. You’ll also see that KPMG is built on Purpose, Values, Vision, Strategy,…
Limited to just 50 participants, this workshop builds upon an ERM evaluation tool that outlines key aspects of an effective ERM process focused on the integration of risk oversight with strategic planning. Don’t miss hearing about innovative risk identification techniques, such as “war-gaming”, being used at General Motors, and techniques being used to engage the board…
Want to get exposure to an increasingly popular way of working, led by industry professionals from Fidelity? This series will cover the basics of Agile and Scrum with hands-on activities. Workshops on February 22, March 1, and April 12. Space limited – Register here