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2015 Accounting Publications

Accounting Publications – 2015

Bartley, J., Buckless, F., Chen, A., Harvey, S., Showalter, S., and Zuckerman, G. (2015) “How Widely Used Sustainability Metrics Distort Actual Performance – And a Solution to This All-Too-Common Problem,” Environmental Quality Management, Vol. 24, No. 4: 1-9, summer 2015.

Beasley, M. S., Showalter, S. D. (2015). ERM and Sustainability:  Together on the Road Ahead. Strategic Finance Journal.

Beasley, M. S., Branson, B. C., Pagach, D. P. (2015). An Examination of the Assessment of Top Risks on the Horizon:  Evidence from Executives and Risk Professionals. Journal of Enterprise Risk Management, 1(1).

Bradford, M., Gerard, G. (2015). Using Process Mapping to Reveal Process Redesign Opportunities during ERP Planning. Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting, 12(1).

Brazel, J. F., Jones, K., Thayer, J., Warne, R. (2015). Investor Perceptions about Financial Statement Fraud and their Use of Red Flags. Review of Accounting Studies, 20(4), 1373-1406.

Dyreng, S. D., Lindsey, B., Markle, K. S., Shackelford, D. A. (2015). The Effect of Tax and Nontax Country Characteristics on the Global Equity Supply Chains of U.S. Multinationals. Journal of Accounting and Economics, 59(2 – 3), 182-202.

Pennington, R., Kahle-Schafer, J., Pinsker, R. (2015). What Happens to Judgment Quality when Accountants Change Roles with their Firm?. The Tax Stringer(September 2015),

Reinstein, A., Taylor, E. (2015). Fences as Controls to Reduce Accountants’ Rationalization. Journal of Business Ethics.

Showalter, S. D. (2015). Sustainability:  The Journal of Record, 8(2), 54-60.

Taylor, E. (2015). An Introduction to Access 2013. AIS Educators’ Journal, 10(1), 32-36.

Guragai, B., Hunt, N., Neri, M., Taylor, E. (2015). AIS and ethics research: Review, synthesis, and the future. Journal of Information Systems, 31(2).

Winner, William E., Dickey, David A., and Showalter, Scott. (2015) “Sustainability and Metrics: Use of Statistics and Independent Auditing,” Sustainability: The Journal of Record, April 2015, Vol. 8, No. 2: 54-60.

Williams, Paul and Ravenscroft, Sue. (2015) “Rethinking Decision Usefulness,” Contemporary Accounting Research Vol. 32 No. 2 (Summer 2015) pp. 763–788.

Denison, Christine and Williams, Paul. (2015) “Accounting and Public Policy: The Importance of Credible Research,” Accounting and the Public Interest, 2015.

Zuckerman, G. J., Chen, Y.-S., Bartley, J., Showalter, S. D., Buckless, F. A., Stephen, H. How Widely Used Sustainability Metrics Distort Actual Performance-And a Solution to this All-Too-Common Problem. Environmental Quality Management (Summer 2015).