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Mar 18, 2017

As Corporate Risk Rises, Risk Management Efforts Falling Short

Study find that executives see risks increasing in both number and complexity – but risk management efforts may not be staying abreast of those risks

Mar 16, 2017

Why ‘Complete ERM’ is a Myth

“Risk oversight has grown in importance among all types of organizations this decade, but some of the gains can be attributed to public companies responding to the SEC’s rules related…

Mar 16, 2017

Survey: Corporate Risks Rising – But Risk Management Efforts Not Keeping Pace

The State of Risk Oversight: An Overview of Enterprise Risk Management Practices study reveals disconnect between corporate challenges and how organizations are responding to them.

Mar 14, 2017

No Such Thing as Complete ERM

Jim DeLoach, CPA, a managing director of Protiviti who collaborates with the Enterprise Risk Management Initiative at Poole College to produce an annual survey about the state of enterprise risk…

Photo of tax form, hand with pencil and calculator

Mar 14, 2017

Tax Scams & Tips for Avoiding Them

Learn the basics about the most common types of tax fraud - and how to thwart them.

Photo of Jon Carr, Jenkins Professor of Entrepreneurship, talking with students at the Garage on NC State's Centennial Campus

Mar 13, 2017

Applications being accepted for NC State Acceleration Fund

Apply online by April 15 for this program, which provides equity-free grants and pro bono support services to entrepreneurs who complete the Andrews Launch Accelerator (ALA) program. The program's goal: to help accelerate economic development.

Mar 10, 2017

Extending Work Life: Can Employers Adapt When Employees Want to Delay Retirement?

Aging men and women are increasingly remaining in the labor force. … Most often the reason workers stay in the labor force is that they need to work additional years…

Mar 10, 2017

Logistics Trends and Transformation

... Innovation has to be a part of the equation.

Mar 7, 2017

Crowdfunding Innovation: It’s Backers – Not Money Raised – That Predicts Market Success

Research finds that the number of backers a new product attracts during crowdfunding predicts the financial success of the product when it reaches the marketplace – but the amount of money raised during crowdfunding does not.

Mar 6, 2017

Four Receive Watauga Medal

Steve Zelnak and three others received the Watauga Medal, NC State University’s highest nonacademic honor, during the annual Founders’ Day celebration held Friday evening, March 3, at Talley Student Union.