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Poole College Graduate Receives Her Bachelor’s Degree at 20 Years Old

In May, Aishwarya Madhavan received her Bachelor of Science in business administration with a concentration in information technology while preparing for a full-time career at the ripe age of 20. Madhavan walked across the stage at graduation with 4.0 GPA and summa cum laude honors after just two years at NC State.

Though majority of her time at Poole College was spent in the virtual classroom, Madhavan made the most of her time conducting undergraduate research and getting involved in student organizations. 

Aishwarya Madhavan graduated from NC State at 20 years old

“During my last semesters at NC State, I conducted undergraduate research, completed the requirements for the University Honors Program and got inducted into Beta Gamma Sigma,” said Madhavan. “I took all of my information technology concentration courses this year, and on a positive note, it is interesting that the current pandemic situation made me learn technology while completely being dependent on technology.”

Madhavan has accepted a full-time position at a software company in Cary and is looking forward to life in the Triangle as an alumna.

“NC State and Poole College have provided me with so many great learning opportunities and experiences, and I am looking forward to continuing to ‘Think and Do the Extraordinary’ throughout my career,” said Madhavan.