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MEDIA ADVISORY | NC State E-Clinic to host middle school students for Citizen Schools field trip

NC State Poole College of Management
EVENT DATE: Monday, March 23, 2015, 3:30 PM – 4:30 PM
EVENT SUMMARY: Lowe’s Grove Middle School (Durham) students to pitch tech business ideas as part of Citizen Schools' project field trip to NC State Entrepreneurship Clinic. The event marks the half-way point in their 10-week apprenticeship (technology learning experience) led by Credit Suisse IT Cares Committee through the Citizen Schools program in Durham.
LOCATION: NC State Entrepreneurship Clinic at HQ Raleigh, 310 S. Harrington St. in downtown Raleigh, N.C.
March 23, 2015 
> 3:15 PM | Students arrive 
> 3:30 PM | Students hear from a two entrepreneurs (one successful business owner and one previous student)
> 4:00 PM | Four student groups pair off with one entrepreneur each to share their product pitches, get feedback and collaboration from the entrepreneurs. The Citizen School volunteers assist with each group
> 4:20 PM | Wrap-up/certificates distributed (if time permits)
Lowe’s Grove Middle School students are pitching tech-related business ideas to “potential investors” during their March 23 field trip to the NC State Entrepreneurship Clinic located in HQ Raleigh.
The event marks the half-way point of the middle school students’ 10-week apprenticeship led by Credit Suisse IT Cares volunteers through the Citizen Schools program in Durham. The field trip provides the students an opportunity to showcase what they’ve learned thus far to their fellow students, teachers, parents and the community. The students also will gain hands-on experience with giving a formal pitch as well as feedback from entrepreneurs on how to improve their products and business plans.
The Credit Suisse IT professionals have been volunteering at the school for several years, providing opportunities for students to learn through experience about technology related career opportunities. This year, the students’ project involved pairing a technology – presented by the IT volunteers, including wireless technology, 3-D printing and in-home automation – with an objective, such as making something safer for people, cheaper, healthier – to come up with their own ideas for products.
In the course of their 10-week apprenticeship, which is what Citizen Schools calls these enrichment programs, the Credit Suisse volunteers is teaching the students how to develop a progressive business plan.
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Media Contact: Anna Rzewnicki, NC State Poole College Communications Director, 919.513.4478;