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Poole Advisory Board Spotlight: Glenn Sherrill, BSBA ’93

Upon graduating from NC State’s College of Management in 1993, Glenn Sherill returned to his hometown of Charlotte, N.C. to work for his family’s steel construction business. Now, 28 years after turning the tassel, he is the chairman and CEO of SteelFab, Inc. Not only that, he has stayed connected to his alma mater by bringing a passion for mentorship – as well as insight into what employers are looking for – to the Poole College of Management Advisory Board.

“Joining the board gave me a reason to be back on campus, which I was really excited about,” Sherrill says. “I’ve enjoyed giving back to NC State by investing my time on the board.”

Now in his second term, Sherrill has offered insights from his industry experience to develop Poole’s curriculum, programs and initiatives. Specifically, Sherrill played a key role in launching Poole’s internship program.

Above all, Sherrill sees his role on the board as an opportunity to help students develop professionally.

I have hired and mentored a number of young college graduates, so I hope to help Poole College students determine what type of career they want to pursue and help them understand what employers are looking for.

“I have hired and mentored a number of young college graduates, so I hope to help Poole College students determine what type of career they want to pursue and help them understand what employers are looking for,” Sherrill says.

Sherrill also believes the impact of the board extends far beyond simply what takes place within the classroom.

“By teaching young people how to learn and grow, Poole College ultimately shapes our state’s economy and creates jobs,” he says.

By teaching young people how to learn and grow, Poole College ultimately shapes our state’s economy and creates jobs.

Looking ahead, he hopes there will be more opportunities for him to personally invest into the lives of the diverse crop of students who call the Poole College of Management “home.”

“I would love the opportunity to speak in a Poole College class and offer some insights and interesting stories – not only about my career, but also about the people who have inspired me along the way,” Sherrill explains

In addition to being competitive, Sherrill sees entrepreneurship and accounting as key areas where Poole College has the leverage to stand out amongst peer business schools not only within the state but also around the country.

“Poole would do well to continue to focus on entrepreneurship classes and give special emphasis on accounting,” he shares. “The three most memorable classes I took during my time at NC State are public speaking, accounting and financial markets – and those are skills that I still use every day.”