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Aug 3, 2017

Professor Beasley Talks about Managing Risks in Business

Mark Beasley, the Deloitte Professor of Enterprise Risk Management in the Poole College of Management, is researching how organizations navigate the many sources of uncertainty and risk that affect their…

Jun 29, 2017

Global Survey: Execs Reporting Significant Risks – But Less-Than-Robust Efforts to Address Them

A global survey of executives finds that most view the world as increasingly risky, but most report their organizations are not developing more robust risk management processes.

Photo of Joseph Brazel, Jenkins Distinguished Professor of Accounting, demonstrating a concept at a white board.

May 17, 2017

Center for Audit Quality Award will Connect Professor Brazel with Practitioners for Skepticism Research

Access to Audit Personnel Program award supports Accounting Professor Joseph Brazel's research regarding professional skepticism in audit processes.

May 17, 2017

What Every Federal CFO Needs to Know

For those new to the role of chief financial officer in the Trump administration, D. Scott Showalter, professor of practice in the NC State Poole College of Management’s Department of Accounting, and…

Apr 26, 2017

Roommates to EY Partners

Two MAC alumni, now EY Partners, offer advice for those on the road to public accounting.

Photo of tax form, hand with pencil and calculator

Mar 14, 2017

Tax Scams & Tips for Avoiding Them

Learn the basics about the most common types of tax fraud - and how to thwart them.

Photo of guest speaker Scott McKay discussing accounting fraud with students in Dr. Al Chen's accounting course.

Feb 14, 2017

MAC Mentor Program Helps Students with Accounting Career Planning

Poole College Accounting Internship Recruitment program students meet up wth their mentors this spring

Photo of Poole College accounting students receiving VITA training.

Jan 30, 2017

Free Tax Return Assistance Available for 2017 Tax Season

Poole College accounting students complete training, ready to help with online tax return forms for those earning less than $64,000

Jan 26, 2017

Current Corporate Sustainability Reporting Misses Mark, Study Says

A new study finds that corporate sustainability reporting covers issues that are unimportant to stakeholders. This study offers suggestions for improvement including the use of Global Reporting Initiative guidelines which was…

Student commencement speaker Marian Lorin Mercedes with Dean Annette L. Ranft and Associate Dean Tamah Morant

Dec 19, 2016

Marian Lorin Mercedes Presents Student Commencement Address

Marian Lorin Mercedes congratulates fellow alumni on their four years of studies and encourages students to dream big and fly as far as they want.