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Oct 23, 2020

Tim Kraft Encourages Holiday Shoppers to Start Ordering Online Now

Tim Kraft, assistant professor of operations and supply chain management, noted that the 40% increase in sales will cause an exponential increase in shipping volumes closer to the holidays.

Oct 22, 2020

Rob Handfield Emphasizes Collaboration from CIOs and Supply Chain Leaders

Rob Handfield sees a shift in chief information officers (CIO) playing a critical role in supply chain management integration and decision-making.

Oct 16, 2020

Dean’s Executive Assistant is a Behind-the-Scenes Star Throughout the Pandemic

Kimberly Whitfield, executive assistant to the dean, served as a background hero in ensuring the college was prepared during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Oct 16, 2020

Poole College Transfer Student Week Takes a Closer Look at the Largest Incoming Student Population

Every third week of October is #TransferStudentWeek where Poole College celebrates the success of our internal and external transfer students.

Oct 15, 2020

Rob Handfield Reflects on Supply Shortages in 2009 and 2020 Pandemics

A 10-year-old report surfaced from Rob Handfield calling for the improvement of supply chain planning in preparation for future pandemics.

Oct 14, 2020

MAC Recruiting Goes Virtual

MAC Recruiting Goes Virtual

Oct 13, 2020

Poole Prepares Students for Law School Success

When most individuals think of appropriate undergraduate majors to prepare them for law school, English and political science are usually the two that come to mind. However, more law school admissions officers are seeking qualified candidates with a different background – one in business.

Oct 8, 2020

Poole College CMO Discusses Higher Education Marketing During a Crisis

Poole College CMO Jenny Hammond sits down with Talk West to discuss the shift higher education marketing has made during the pandemic.

Oct 8, 2020

Jenkins MBA Named One of the Top Programs for Grads to Find Jobs Fast

Yahoo! News lists the Jenkins MBA program as one of the top programs for recent graduates to find jobs fast.

Oct 6, 2020

Opening Doors to Success

Nashiem Bryant knew he wanted to pursue a career in auditing, but he couldn’t decide whether or not to pursue an advanced degree before entering the workforce. “I was already…