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Oct 3, 2022

Erin Powell and Tom Zagenczyk on Reducing ‘Quiet Quitting’

Erin Powell and Tom Zagenczyk recently authored a paper on organizational identification, which refers to how employees identify themselves in their organization.

Oct 3, 2022

Mark Beasley Explains the Reality of Risk Management

Mark Beasley, professor of accounting, describes the complexity of the corporate risk environment and shares that risk management will not get easier.

Star Tribune

Oct 3, 2022

Rob Handfield Analyzes the ‘Underground Economy’ of Counterfeit Goods

Rob Handfield, professor of operations and supply chain management, explains that retail stores have been replaced by online counterfeiting.

ABC 11 logo

Oct 3, 2022

Rob Handfield Predicts Supply Chain Disruptions During Hurricane Ian

Rob Handfield, professor of operations and supply chain management, explains that Hurricane Ian could impact the availability of some products.


Oct 3, 2022

Ira Weiss on Preparing for Your Accreditation Visit

Ira Weiss, professor of strategic management, recently authored an article, titled "Are You Prepared for Your Accreditation Visit?," advising schools on how they can maximize success during their accreditation visit.

Quiet Quitting

Sep 27, 2022

Study Outlines One Way Employers Can Head Off ‘Quiet Quitting’

The findings can inform everything from office layouts to assigning mentors to new employees.


Sep 26, 2022

Evolving Global Risk Landscape is Outpacing Organizational Preparedness

Most organizations describe their risk management processes as insufficient and immature, despite perceived high volumes and complexities of risks.


Sep 23, 2022

Heather Dretsch on Branding for Generation Alpha

Heather Dretsch predicts that Generation Alpha, the generation of children born between 2011 and 2025, will inherit similar consumer behaviors to their Millennial parents.


Sep 22, 2022

Tim Kraft Expects Disruptions as Supply Chain Workers Push Back

Tim Kraft explains that the recent threat of a railroad strike could inspire labor disputes in other industries if companies do not take initiative to create better conditions for their workers.

Sep 22, 2022

What Gen Z and Millennials Want on Instagram vs. TikTok

Heather Dretsch explains how important for brands to understand the consumer psychology driving current social media behavior when planning a social media presence and content.