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Aug 31, 2022

How Hybrid Entrepreneurs Balance a Traditional Job While Simultaneously Starting a New Venture

Jon Carr and Jeff Pollack take a deep dive into hybrid entrepreneurs – individuals who balance a traditional job while simultaneously starting a new venture.

Aug 31, 2022

Rising Inflation as a Global and Domestic Phenomenon

Poole College assistant professor of economics Ayse Dur provides a deeper look into the impact of inflation both domestically and globally. 

triangle business journal logo

Aug 26, 2022

Bruce Branson Defines Corporate Responsibility as ‘Just Good Business’

Bruce Branson, professor of accounting, shares that businesses are rewarded for promoting authenticity and accountability through implementing and achieving environmental, social and corporate governance goals.


Aug 26, 2022

Student Loan Forgiveness and Tax Implications

Associate Professors of Accounting Nathan Goldman and Christina Lewellen explain the tax and nontax provisions of the new student loan forgiveness recently announced by President Biden.

NC State Ethical Apparel Index

Aug 25, 2022

Rob Handfield Leading the Charge for Ethical Apparel

Rob Handfield and fellow NC State researchers have developed the Ethical Apparel Index to promote ethical, sustainable supplier factories worldwide.

Aug 19, 2022

Rob Handfield Predicts the Aftermath of the CHIPS Act

Rob Handfield shares that while the CHIPS Act is a good first step for the U.S. semiconductor manufacturing industry, the complexity of the global semiconductor supply chain makes building this industry a long process.

Aug 18, 2022

Marketing Discrepancies: Organizations’ Analytics Are Less Advanced than Leaders Report

A recent report from Adverity dives into an interesting phenomenon: While most companies identify themselves as data-driven and mature in their analytics capabilities, their actual performance says otherwise.


Aug 16, 2022

Rob Handfield on the Use of AI Technology in the Procurement Process

Rob Handfield, professor of operations and supply chain management, provided insight on how artificial intelligence (AI) technology can establish procurement efficiency through contract analytics and supplier risk management.

Aug 12, 2022

Mehmet Caner on How Machine Learning Can Influence Portfolio Performance

Mehmet Caner, professor of economics, recently co-authored a study that illustrates the ability of machine learning to improve the Sharpe ratio which strengthens portfolio performance.

computer screen shows charts of complex financial transactions

Aug 10, 2022

New AI Meets Profit, Risk Goals for Complex Financial Portfolios

The AI meets investment risk and return goals for large-scale portfolios containing hundreds of assets.