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Jun 7, 2021

Lewis Sheats on How COVID Changed the Job Market

Lewis Sheats, assistant vice provost for entrepreneurship, explains how the COVID pandemic has changed the job market and how graduating classes can prepare for their future careers.

Jun 4, 2021

COVID & Unemployment: Behind the Numbers

Poole economics professor Steve Allen shares his perspective on how the pandemic is affecting the national economy.

Jun 4, 2021

Apathy’s Effect on COVID Vaccinations

After the initial boom of COVID vaccines made their way across the country, the rate of vaccinations has fallen. But is it hesitancy or apathy that is keeping people at bay? Learn from Stacy Wood's research published in the Journal of the American Medical Association.

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Jun 3, 2021

Scott Showalter on How Accounting Graduate Programs Can Increase Diversity

Scott Showalter commented on the current lack of diversity in the accounting industry and how the Jenkins MAC Program is constantly working to create a diverse, inclusive environment.


Jun 2, 2021

Rob Handfield Puts More Emphasis on Cybersecurity During Meat Processor Hack

Rob Handfield, professor of operations and supply chain management, sees no reason for consumers to rush out and buy meat amid the recent meat processor hack. Instead, he implores companies to be wary of potential cyber attacks. “It’s a it’s a sign that we need to start taking cybersecurity a lot more seriously,” said Handfield.…

Jun 2, 2021

Nathan Goldman Finds Benefits for Consumers and Sellers in Cigar Tax Cap

Nathan Goldman, assistant professor of accounting, explains the provision in the state Senate tax capping the excise tax on individual cigars to benefit consumers with low prices and sellers becoming more competitive. “The cap would benefit both cigar sellers and buyers,” said Goldman. “Brick and mortar shops in North Carolina would be more competitive compared with…

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Jun 2, 2021

Tim Kraft Explains the Challenges of the Shipping Pallet Shortage

Tim Kraft sees the recent shortage of wood shipping pallets as detrimental to the supply chain of other essential products spanning from electronics to food.

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Jun 2, 2021

Stacy Wood Discusses Low Attendance as Big Events Return to Raleigh

Stacy Wood, professor of marketing, breaks down how event promoters can attract consumers as big event attendance has dwindled even after COVID restrictions have eased.

May 26, 2021

Tom Byrnes featured on Zippia’s Future Of The Job Market Report

Tom Byrnes, senior lecturer in marketing, was recently featured on Zippia's Future Of The Job Market Report. Byrnes reported insights on how the pandemic has changed the job market for recent NC State graduates.


May 21, 2021

Chris Hitch Shares 3 Essential Questions for Developing Business Strategy

Chris Hitch has shared his method of developing business strategies with organizations across industries by asking three big questions.