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Participants listen to a speaker at the 2023 Lifelong Learning Summit

Sep 27, 2023

Jenkins MAC Alumni and Regional Accountants Gather for 2nd Lifelong Learning Summit

The event featured presentations by Poole College faculty and industry experts on emerging issues in accounting and business.

Aug 25, 2023

How Much Do You Pocket If You Win Big at the Casino? Nathan Goldman Explains

Poole College of Management professor Nathan Goldman details the way casino winnings in North Carolina are taxed and how much earnings an individual can expect to keep.

image of auditors' hands working on calculator and graphs

Aug 10, 2023

Joe Brazel Examines Professional Skepticism Among Audit Practitioners

A white paper recently published by the Foundation for Auditing Research spotlights two studies conducted by Joe Brazel, Jenkins Distinguished Professor of Accounting.

Aug 3, 2023

Nathan Goldman on Apple Coming to North Carolina

Nathan Goldman analyzes the financial and economic impact of high profile businesses migrating to North Carolina.

depiction of government building and money bag

Aug 1, 2023

Taxation in North Carolina and the 2023-25 State Budget

Poole College's Nathan Goldman and Christina Lewellen examine the current state of taxation in North Carolina to shed light on whether lowering state taxes appears to be a reasonable path to revenue neutrality.

Disney sign

Jun 21, 2023

The Taxation of ‘Abandoning Ship’ — An Examination of Disney’s Abandonment of the Galactic Starcruiser Adventure

Associate Professors of Accounting Nathan Goldman and Christina Lewellen examine the tax implications of Disney shutting down the theme park attraction.

Jun 21, 2023

Eileen Taylor and Steve Allen Say ‘Middle Housing’ Won’t Work in Raleigh

Poole College professors Eileen Taylor and Steve Allen discuss how Raleigh city council’s ‘missing middle’ plan won’t solve the city’s shortage of affordable housing.

Cointelegraph logo

Jun 2, 2023

Nathan Goldman Explains the Importance of Tax-loss Harvesting

Nathan Golden, professor of accounting, highlighted two main reasons for why tax-loss harvesting is an important strategy for cryptocurrency investors.

townhome housing

May 11, 2023

Do “Missing Middle” Policies Increase Housing Affordability?

Poole College Professors Eileen Taylor and Steve Allen examine the complexities of denser housing development as a strategy for making housing more affordable in North Carolina's Triangle region.

triangle business journal logo

Apr 28, 2023

Mark Beasley Explains the Relationship Between ERM and ESG

Mark Beasley, professor of accounting, challenges the perception of enterprise risk management (ERM). He explains that when the environmental, social and governance (ESG) framework is integrated with managing risk, additional value and opportunities are created to improve ERM processes.