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Dec 1, 2022

Poole Faculty Find Low Encouragement as the Reason Women are Leaving Current Roles

A team of Poole researchers report that 81% of women who experience low encouragement are likely to leave their roles or companies in the next 12 months.

Nov 29, 2022

Nathan Goldman Weighs in on How Inflation May Impact Holiday Shopping, Provides Tips for Consumers

Poole College’s Nathan Goldman, associate professor of accounting, provides expert insight into this year’s holiday shopping season.

metaverse web 3 marketing

Nov 18, 2022

The Metaverse, Web 3 and the Future of Marketing

Professor Bill Rand explains the difference between Web 3 and the metaverse, how advanced technologies can create value for customers and what steps companies can take to prepare for the next evolution of the internet.

CBS 17 logo

Nov 18, 2022

Nathan Goldman Predicts IRS Adjustments Will Bring Money to Your Wallets

Nathan Goldman, associate professor of accounting, and four graduate students found in a recent study that adjustments made by the IRS to fight inflation will allow citizens to face less in federal tax liability in 2023.

Nov 10, 2022

Lessons from Wolfpack Entrepreneurs

The most recent PNC Thought Leadership Series included discussion of the NC State Entrepreneurship Clinic, balancing mission and profit for social entrepreneurships and funding a business. 


Nov 10, 2022

Heather Dretsch Explains Why Gen Z is Layering Their Social Media Time

Heather Dretsch, assistant professor of marketing, explains through her research how organizations need to be relevant to a newer generation through social media.

Oct 31, 2022

Three Best Practices for Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)

How can organizations strengthen their ERM efforts and become more resilient in a changing world? Three insights shared at NC State’s ERM Roundtable Summit offer a place to start.

Oct 28, 2022

Basiru Usman Discusses Predictive Analytics and the Future of Marketing

MMA student Emily Gower spoke with professor Basiru Usman about the importance and versatility of predictive analytics tools, as well as the growing importance of marketing analytics skills in today’s business environment.

Oct 28, 2022

ERM Initiative Report Finds Two-Thirds of Companies Do Not Have Complete ERM Processes

A new report issued by the AICPA & CIMA and NC State’s Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) Initiative looks at the ever-changing status of risk worldwide.

Oct 25, 2022

Richard Warr on the Increase in High-Risk Energy Investment

Richard Warr, associate dean for faculty and research, explains how an influx of wealthy investors are looking towards energy assets, notably in Texas which is in the midst of an oil boom.