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Covid-19 Vaccine

Oct 27, 2021

Poole Professor’s Research Shows How COVID-19 Vaccine Marketing Strategies Must Change for Global Success

Almost 100 professors from across the globe put in time to assess the suitability and adaptability of 12 different vaccination promotion strategies.

Jul 8, 2021

Podcast: Vaccine Apathy

We hear a lot about vaccine hesitancy, but there’s another reason why vaccination levels may not be quite where we’d like them to be. And that’s vaccine apathy.

Jun 4, 2021

Apathy’s Effect on COVID Vaccinations

After the initial boom of COVID vaccines made their way across the country, the rate of vaccinations has fallen. But is it hesitancy or apathy that is keeping people at bay? Learn from Stacy Wood's research published in the Journal of the American Medical Association.


Jan 7, 2021

If You Build It, Will They Get Vaccinated? Experts Tap into Behavioral Research to Promote COVID-19 Vaccination in the U.S.

Stacy Wood, professor of marketing, explore how willing Americans are to be vaccinated to allow the nation to return to normalcy following the COVID pandemic.

Jun 1, 2020

Stacy Wood on Creativity and Innovation: COVID-19’s Silver Lining

Poole College’s professor of marketing, Stacy Wood, offers insight on why times of crisis present opportunities for exploration and risk taking.

Apr 3, 2020

Stacy Wood Discusses Consumer Anxiety on The State of Things

Stacy Wood, Langon Distinguished University professor of marketing, was featured on WUNC's The State of Things to talk about shopper anxiety during the coronavirus crisis.