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PhD Fields

Currently, the following PhD field courses are offered:

Field Courses Faculty
Agricultural Economics
  • ECG 741: Agricultural Production and Supply
  • ECG 742: Consumption, Demand and Market Interdependency
Development and Labor Economics
  • ECG 730: Labor Economics
  • ECG 739: Empirical Methods in Development Economics and Applied Micro
  • ECG 752: Time Series Econometrics
  • ECG 753: Microeconometrics
  • ECG 754: Advanced Econometrics: Theory of Machine Learning Methods
  • ECG 755: Advanced Econometrics: Practical Aspects of Machine Learning
Environmental and Resource Economics
  • ECG 715: Environmental and Resource Economics
  • ECG 716: Topics in Environmental and Resource Economics
International Economics
  • ECG 748: Theory of International Trade
  • ECG 790: International Economics
Microeconomic Theory/Industrial Organization
  • ECG 707: Topics in Industrial Organization
  • ECG 708: Advanced Microeconomic Theory
Students are required to take one of the two Econometrics courses ECG 752 and ECG 753 as part of the first-year core course requirement. Students taking both may count only the second course as a field course.
With prior approval from their dissertation advisor(s), students may design an alternative two-course field sequence from the offerings at NC State combined with Ph.D.-level field courses in economics offered at Duke or UNC-Chapel Hill accessible through a cooperative interinstitutional registration agreement.