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Apr 15, 2019

Nine Poole College Faculty Receive Summer Research Awards 2019

The NC State Poole College of Management announces the third faculty cohort to receive the Poole College Summer Research Awards. The awards recognize outstanding research productivity of tenured and tenure-track faculty in top tier journals from 2017 to 2018. The nine faculty scholars will receive a monetary reward and the title of Poole Advisory Board Scholar for the 2019-20 academic year.

Apr 12, 2019

Student Spotlight: Shaun Conyers

Meet Shaun Conyers, Class of 2019, Master of Management in Global Luxury and Management at NC State Poole College of Management.

Apr 4, 2019

Professor Mark Beasley discusses CFO concerns for talent management and leadership

The American Institute of CPAs and NC State’s Enterprise Risk Management Initiative recently released a report on what the top perceived risks are for chief financial officers (CFOs) and how they…

Apr 4, 2019

ERM Initiative Top Risks Report Covered in WSJ Newsletter

The Enterprise Risk Management’s 2019 Top Risks Report was featured in The Wall Street Journal’s April 3, 2019 Morning Risk Report e-newsletter. According to a survey of financial executives, enterprise…

Mar 29, 2019

Alumni Spotlight: Jenny McCallen ’08

Name: Jenny McCallen Program: MAC Graduation Year: 2008 Employment Organization/Title: Assistant Professor of Accounting at the University of Georgia LinkedIn Profile Could you give a brief explanation of your current…

Mar 19, 2019

Global Stories: Jennie Boase, Vienna, Austria

Listen to the first-hand stories of Poole College of Management students studying abroad around the globe.

Mar 18, 2019

Poole’s Kristin Hiemstra Discusses the 2019 Most and Least Innovative States

In total, the United States is projected to spend $581 billion in 2019 on research and development of STEM companies and products. However, certain states have been known to spend…

Mar 5, 2019

Poole’s Paul Mugge Discusses CIMS and Innovation in Business

The Center for Innovation Management Studies (CIMS) was originally established in 1984 in Leigh University as a small, but influential think tank and has since been moved to NC State’s…

Feb 27, 2019

Professor Robert Handfield Discusses the Role of Supply Chain Management in New Product Innovation

A 2015 survey on new product innovation conducted by Nielsen Global found that 63 percent of consumers like when manufacturers are the ones introducing new products. However, it is challenging for…

Feb 25, 2019

Startup Developed Out Of The Poole Product Innovation Lab

Chris Fesmire, a graduate student of the NC State College of Engineering, developed a startup company Vital Guide along with his partner, Pratik Bendale. Vital Guide sets out to improve patient health…