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several people in business attire stand in silhouette before a view of a city skyline

May 3, 2022

‘Tax Haven’ Companies May Be Less Risky Than Investors Think

Many of these companies are actually more transparent than their counterparts in countries that are not tax havens.

Disney sign

Apr 28, 2022

The Happiest Place on Earth? A Look Inside Disney’s Tax and Non-Tax Battle with the State of Florida

Poole College accounting professors Nathan Goldman and Christina Lewellen take a closer look at the recent feud between the state of Florida and Disney.

Apr 25, 2022

Current Insights for Local Brands Who Use Instagram

Heather Dretsch recently collected data, and with analytical support, that explores what it means for local businesses building and managing Instagram feeds for their brands.

Apr 21, 2022

Rob Handfield Gives Insight on Why Convergence Strengthens Supply Chains

Rob Handfield will join a GEP webcast to share expert knowledge on pain points and risks that organizations are facing and how technology may mend the gap in supply chain and procurement practices.

Apr 21, 2022

Nathan Goldman on the Ramifications of Aggressive Tax Planning

Nathan Goldman, assistant professor of accounting, shared research findings on the labor and operating efficiency of companies that practice aggressive tax planning.

ABC 11 logo

Apr 21, 2022

Rob Handfield Sees Supply Chain Relief Through Manufacturing Regrowth

Rob Handfield, professor of operations and supply chain management, predicts that supply chain shortages improving beginning next year with the help of the regrowth of manufacturing in the country.

Apr 18, 2022

Rob Handfield Explains Cold Supply Chains

Rob Handfield, professor of operations and supply chain management, advises SAS on the use of a cold supply chain on its Internet of Things (IoT) efforts.


Apr 18, 2022

Poole Podcast Season 2, Episode 3: Two Masters of Accounting: Christine Holmes and Professor Kathy Krawczyk

In this episode, hear Poole College graduate and Ernst & Young Senior Partner Christine Holmes ('88) and Poole Professor Kathy Krawczyk discuss what drew them to accounting and how the industry has changed over their careers.

Apr 15, 2022

Melissa Hart Shares Advice on Balance Transfer Fees

Melissa Hart, senior lecturer in finance, shares expert advice and answers consumers' top questions about Capital One and the balance transfer fee.

Apr 12, 2022

The Makings of a Good MMA Candidate

What makes for a strong candidate for the MMA program? What kinds of work experience, career goals and personal characteristics should applicants have? MMA program director Rishika Rishika helps prospective students determine whether the program is the right fit.