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Federal News Network

Jul 21, 2023

Rob Handfield Discusses How Governments Can Better Prepare for Supply Chain Disruptions

Handfield offers insight on ways governments can become more resilient on the supply chain front.

Guaranteed retirement income

Jul 11, 2023

Is Guaranteed Retirement Income a Thing of the Past?

Melinda Morrill, Poole College professor of economics, discusses how defined benefit pension plans are still predominantly available for educators.

Jun 23, 2023

Rob Handfield Addresses Why China Dominates the World’s EV Supply Chain

Poole College professor Rob Handfield discusses the world’s reliance on China for electric vehicle batteries and what the U.S. needs to gain a competitive edge.

Jun 21, 2023

Eileen Taylor and Steve Allen Say ‘Middle Housing’ Won’t Work in Raleigh

Poole College professors Eileen Taylor and Steve Allen discuss how Raleigh city council’s ‘missing middle’ plan won’t solve the city’s shortage of affordable housing.

Jun 14, 2023

Are Electric Vehicles As Green As We Think? Rob Handfield Weighs In

Poole College professor Rob Handfield discusses how the demand for ‘green metals’ used in electric vehicle battery manufacturing far exceeds global supply and today’s known reserves.

USA Today logo

Jun 9, 2023

Is Recession on the Horizon? Ayse Dur Offers a History of Economic Downturns

Ayse Dur, assistant professor of economics at Poole College, weighs in on the history of recessions in the U.S. and the current threat of downturn facing our economy.

Apr 3, 2023

The Tax Consequences of Settling Estate Disputes

Estate planning is a critical aspect of financial security, as it involves creating a plan for the distribution of one’s assets and properties after they pass away. Without proper estate planning, the distribution of assets can become a contentious and complicated process, which can lead to potential conflicts among family members and legal disputes. Proper…