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Career Fair Prep Workshop


Join Dr. Janet Rakes as she goes over the do’s and don'ts of the Career Fair. Ask questions and learn all you need to know before the fairs on the 2nd and 3rd of February! Sign up on ePack today!

Career Fair Prep Workshop


Join Dr. Janet Rakes as she goes over the do’s and don’ts of the Career Fair. Ask questions and learn all you need to know before the fairs on the 2nd and 3rd of February! Sign up on ePack today!

Career Weeks Workshop: Conducting a Successful Job/Internship Search


Join Dr. Janet Rakes as she guides us through the correct ways to search for job and internship opportunities. Knowing these tips and tricks can save you some stress and frustration as you begin searching for your summer employment options.   Sign up today on ePack!

Career Fair Prep Workshop


Join Dr. Janet Rakes as she goes over the do's and don'ts of the Career Fair. Ask questions and learn all you need to know before the fairs on the 2nd and 3rd of February! Sign up on ePack today!

Virtual Information Session with Hilti


The session will be targeted to undergraduate students, with a focus on landing the right internship, making the most of that internship, and preparing to start life after college. Students will get the chance to hear from former interns and managers on their experiences and advice for upcoming graduates. Registrants will be encouraged to upload…

Virtual Information Session with 49 Financial


Drop in (Virtually) to this information session with 49 Financial! They have a new headquarters in Charlotte and are looking for some young talent to join their team. Sign up through ePack! A little bit about the company: 49 Financial is working toward revolutionizing the financial services industry for the better through our associates’ fierce…

Employer Insight Series with ICR


Join ICR as they walk you through what their company is all about. Learn about company culture, employee programming, and much more! Ask their representative questions at the end to learn all you need to know about ICR. Sign up in ePack!

Beat the Recruiter with Johnson Brothers


“Beat the Recruiter” will take students through steps and tips throughout the entire application process beginning with resume refinement, moving into preparation for in-person and virtual career fairs and networking events, locking down elevator pitches, and, finally, nailing the interview. Ryan Fox, Johnson Brothers Director of Recruitment, will take you through examples of some of…

Employer Insight Series with OnLogic


Join OnLogic as they walk you through what their company is all about. Learn about company culture, employee programming, and much more! Ask their representative questions at the end to learn all you need to know about OnLogic. Sign up on ePack today!

Employer Insight Series with ABB


Join ABB as they walk you through what their company is all about. Learn about company culture, employee programming, and much more! Ask their representative questions at the end to learn all you need to know about ABB. Sign up on ePack today!