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Poole Career Center Workshop: Career Fair Prep with Annie Murray


Join MBA Career Coach Annie Murray and get ready for this semester’s career fair! Learn all you need to know before the big day and shake out those nerves. The more you know the better prepared you will be, and that will really stand out to these recruiters! Sign up in 12Twenty and ePack!

Employer Insight Series with Epic


Join Epic as they walk you through what their company is all about. Learn about company culture, employee programming, and much more! Ask their representative questions at the end to learn all you need to know about Epic. Sign up on ePack today!

Building Your Personal Brand with Amanda Bussey


Join Amanda Bussey from E. & J. Gallo as she helps us understand what a personal brand is and how it can set you apart in the professional world. Sign up in ePack!

Employer Insight Series with Deloitte


Join Deloitte as they walk you through what their company is all about. Learn about company culture, employee programming, and much more! Ask their representative questions at the end to learn all you need to know about Deloitte. Sign up on ePack today!

Poole Career Center Workshop: Career Fair Prep


Get ready for this semester's career fair! Learn all you need to know before the big day and shake out those nerves. The more you know the better prepared you will be, and that will really stand out to these recruiters! Sign up for this workshop on ePack!

Careers in Real Estate with Keller Williams


Ever thought about going into real estate? Well, Keller Williams is ready to help you discover what that would actually look like. Get the inside scoop about careers in real estate and learn about one of the most well know reality groups out there! Sign up for your spot on ePack!

Poole Career Center Workshop: Career Resources Around You


Join the Poole Career Center as we delve into the abundance of resources you have as a student to aid in your job search. These resources are here to help make your job search as simple as possible, but they can only help you if you know about them! Sign up for this workshop on…

Poole Career Center Workshop: LinkedIn


In today’s job-search culture, a LinkedIn profile is an essential part of your online brand. You can also use LinkedIn to find jobs, maintain contact with past employers, co-workers, fellow classmates, and networking contacts. Learn about how to structure your LinkedIn profile to fit the professional standard. Employers are using your profile more and more to determine…

Poole Career Center Workshop: Looking Inside and Outside the Triangle


Join the Career Center as we explore how to search jobs inside and outside the Raleigh area. Wanting to move to the West coast after graduation? Learn how to prepare and search for opportunities across the country. Want to stick around Raleigh? That's great, we have plenty of local recruiters that you can search for…