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Career Fair Prep Workshop

Nelson Hall Room 1150

Prepare for the Career Fair by joining our Career Team for our Career Fair Prep Workshop. Ask questions and learn how to put your best foot forward with your top…

Rapid Resume Review

Nelson Hall Commons - 2nd Floor

Stop by the Exchange for some resume help before the Career Fair! Our Peer Career Coaches are ready to help you get your resume to where it needs to be…

Supply Chain Career Fair

McKimmon Center 1101 Gorman Street, Raleigh, NC

Held each semester, this event is for all Poole College of Management Supply Chain, Business Analytics, and Industrial and System Engineering students to provide the opportunity to meet with individual…

Career and Internship Fair

McKimmon Center 1101 Gorman Street, Raleigh, NC

Held each semester, this event is for all Poole College of Management students to speak with over 100 companies across industries including banking, finance, IT, human resources, and professional services.…